Bingo Rules Explained – How To Play Popular Bingo Games

Bingo Rules Explained

Bingo is one of the most popular games with many fans across the globe. If you have never played bingo and you want to try your luck, you need an ultimate guide to help you. Here you have all bingo rules explained including both classic and exotic bingo variations that exist.

What is bingo? Bingo is a popular game of chance played both in special bingo halls and at online platforms. To play the game, players have to mark numbers that are printed in different arrangements on bingo tickets based on the numbers the game host draws at random. In the online version of bingo, the host is absent and players know their result immediately. 

There are many types of bingo but all of them follow the same basic rules with minor differences. However, you should take a look at the rules of all bingo games if you want to play a particular game. Here are all bingo variations that exist:

  • 30 Ball Bingo
  • 75 Ball Bingo
  • 80 Ball Bingo
  • 90 Ball Bingo

So, let’s see how to play each type of bingo! If you want to play online bingo, don’t forget to check the latest online bingo bonuses.

30 Ball Bingo rules explained

30 Ball, also known as “Speed Bingo”, is the easiest and fastest way to get familiar with the world of bingo. The game uses the least number of balls which is thirty. A typical ticket of 30 Ball bingo has a 3×3 grid. Each square is filled with one number. Unlike 75 Ball Bingo, there are no empty spaces in the ticket.

To play 30 Ball Bingo, players have to mark numbers on their tickets following the host’s announcements. In the online version of the game, all you have to do is purchase a ticket and everything else will be done automatically. According to the 30 Ball rules, only a full-house winner will receive a prize.

Learn how to play 75 Ball Bingo 

75 Ball Bingo is one of the most popular bingo games. It is often called “American Bingo” as it is mostly played in the US and Canada. Interested? Time to have all 75 Ball Bingo rules explained.

In terms of the game, 75 Ball is pretty similar to 30 Ball Bingo. You have to mark winning numbers according to their announcement. However, the American bingo allows you to fill in your card up, down or diagonally, so there is no need to fill the whole card. No need to say that it can significantly boost your winning chances. 

Another difference touches upon tickets. A card for 75 Ball Bingo has a 5×5 grid with 25 squares. 24 squares contain numbers and the square in the middle is empty.

Bingo Rules Explained
Which type of bingo will you choose?

80 Ball Bingo game rules

Here you have 80 Ball Bingo rules explained. This game was created for online casinos and gambling sites, so you can hardly find it in bingo halls.

80 Ball Bingo can catch your eye thanks to its cards. They consist of a 4×4 grid and 16 numbers. However, the most interesting part is coming now. To win at 80 Ball, you have to mark numbers following a certain pattern. Each round in 80 Ball Bingo has its own pattern which can include 4 corners, single numbers, squares, horizontal lines, and vertical lines. You will win money only if the winning numbers match the pattern.

How to play 90 Ball Bingo?

Finally, 90 Ball Bingo. This is another popular game, played mostly in the UK. That’s why 90 Ball also has the second unofficial name: British Bingo. 

90 Ball Bingo consists of ninety balls and tickets with a 9×3 grid. Each of the three rows of the ticket includes five numbers. In total, there are 15 numbers in each card. 

Like other games, 90 Ball Bingo follows the same rules: mark numbers and win. However, there are three ways to define the winner. Firstly, players who have completed all their cards are entitled to the prize. They are followed by players with two full horizontal rows. The third category of winners includes players who have marked one of three rows.

Play bingo games at BingoFest


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